Recommended Sites
Here is a list, with links embedded, to Catholic websites (and a few interesting non-Catholic sites). The information on the Catholic sites appears to be faithful to Church teaching and worth checking out. Any opinions expressed are their own.
Apologetics (Explaining & Defending the Faith)
Bible Study
The Complete Bible (Revised Standard Version, Catholic Edition)
Bible Project (Protestant site)
St. Charles Borromeo Church Bible Study (based on Sunday readings)
St. Paul Center (Scott Hahn)
The Bible in a Year podcasts with Fr. Mike Schmitz
Catechesis (Learning the Faith)
Compendium of the CCC (Q&A version)
My Catholic Life (RCIA)
The Catechism in a Year podcasts (Fr. Mike Schmitz)
YouCat (Youth Catechism, pdf version)
Catholic Kids Media (prayer & liturgy)
Dr. Matthew Tsakanikas (Christendom College professor online course)
St Paul Centre (Scott Hahn)
Family & Marriage
Christ: The Center of History (free online course)
History for Atheists (author is atheist but refutes the “New Atheists” historical claims)
Milestones of the Catholic Church (18th,19th, 20th centuries) videos
Ideas & Issues
Movies, Documentaries and Other Videos
Life is Worth Living television episodes, Bishop Fulton Sheen
The Chosen series (Ecumenical)
New Evangelization
News & Events
CNA (Catholic News Agency)
The Catholic Register (Toronto)
National Catholic Register (American)
Same-Sex Attraction & Transgender
Science & Catholicism
Spirituality & Psychology
CatholicPsych (free & pay)
Hallowed app (pay)
Upper Room Home of Prayer – located in Ottawa
Teen & Young Adult
Television & Radio
Life is Worth Living, podcasts (Bishop Fulton Sheen)
Theology & Philosophy
​Madonna House (lay community)